DJT6900 Movement on the Blockchain.

Introducing a groundbreaking innovation: we've tokenized Donald J. Trump's stock on Solana. This dynamic token embodies his unwavering commitment to the crypto community, merging bold vision with blockchain technology to celebrate a new era of digital empowerment.


Make Crypto Great Again

C.A: GU8TCCrwLxci9d4BX8uJRUu1Zj6kRV1jHxvMUf3Hpump


1,000,000,000 Supply

69% Locked Till 2069

69% Locked Till 2069

X Logo
Solana Logo

How to Buy using $SOL

Phantom is a crypto wallet app used for storing and managing Solana tokens. After creating a wallet be sure to write down your recovery phrase on a piece of paper and store it somewhere safe.
From inside the Phantom app you can purchase Solana using Moonpay or other providers.
Click the exchange button inside of the Phantom app, input our contract address GU8TCCrwLxci9d4BX8uJRUu1Zj6kRV1jHxvMUf3Hpump, tap on review order then swap!